Our exclusive offers and packages

Hôtel 56 -Bordeaux - Paludate

Exclusive attention to enhance your stay

The Privileges of Direct Booking

Hotel 56 cultivates the art of special attention. Direct booking gives you access to our special offers, designed to enhance every moment of your stay in Bordeaux. From a spontaneous getaway to an extended stay, we'll create an experience to suit you

  • -15% by booking on our website
  • Free cancellation (no advance fees)
  • Exclusive offers (upgrades, promotional codes...)

Book more than 21 days before your arrival and save €15 on each night.

Book between 2 and 7 days before your arrival and save €15 on each night.

Book a minimum of 3 nights and save €10 on each night.

Hôtel 56

Our exclusivepackages

Book one of our two exclusive packages for a dream holiday, combining romance and authentic Bordeaux flavours.

Reservations for the "Anniversary" and "Romantic Break" packages must be made at least 72 hours in advance, and 24 hours in advance for the "Bordeaux Immersion" package. Each package is designed for two people.

A refined composition to celebrate the moment: Laurent Perrier 75cl champagne, cannelés, delicately arranged rose petals and a heart-shaped balloon await you in your room.

An invitation to local flavours: 1 bottle of 75cl Bordeaux Grand Cru red wine with cannelés, Médoc vine shoots, black tapenade and toast. A gourmet score that tells the story of our region.

Celebrate your birthday with our exclusive package including a cake for two (your choice of chocolate or raspberry), a bottle of 75cl Laurent Perrier champagne, a personalised greeting and festive balloons.

Hôtel 56

Delicate attentions

Personalise your stay by choosing from our refined attentions: a bottle of Bordeaux grand cru red wine, an effusion of petals, champagne or a seasonal floral arrangement. Every detail is orchestrated to create precious memories.


Rose petals

Bordeaux Grand Cru

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